Board Candidate Daniel G. Koehler

Daniel G. KoehlerDaniel G. Koehler has lived in the District since 2010. His wife, Kara, is a Spackenkill graduate and is the vice-president for the Elementary PTA. He has two elementary school children, Cadence, in 4th grade at Hagan, and Easton, in second grade at Nassau.
A Clarkson University graduate with a bachelor of science in civil engineering and a professional concentration in environmental engineering, Mr. Koehler is the owner of Hudson Land Design Professional Engineering, P.C., a company that he started in 2006.  Mr. Koehler was instrumental in introducing the ACE Mentor Program to Spackenkill High School, and is volunteering as a mentor in the program, which is geared to students who wish to pursue careers in architecture, construction and engineering fields. This year’s ACE project is a potential addition to the existing capital improvement project: creating a new concession building, which will also include restrooms and storage near the new athletic fields at the Spackenkill High School.  Mr. Koehler has also been active in the Spackenkill Elementary PTA, including the annual golf outing committee, the Mother’s Day plant sale, and the autumn flower sale.  He also volunteers with Habitat for Humanity on the Site Selection and Construction Committee, and has been assistant coach for the Town of Poughkeepsie Cal Ripken league.
Asked what he can contribute to the Board, Mr. Koehler said, “I have experience navigating a start-up business through a difficult recession that started shortly after the business was born in an industry that is deeply affected by housing and the economy.  I have Board skills and experience in representing projects to towns, cities, and villages, and am also the consulting engineer for the Town of Beekman, where I sit with the Planning Board and advise the Town Board.”  In addition, Mr. Koehler’s business experience includes administration of multi-million dollar public and private projects. 
Mr. Koehler believes that important issues facing the District are changing demographics and implementation of programs to maintain historic excellence. He is a strong believer that a vast breadth of programs, both academic and extracurricular, is the key to a well-balanced student body and will fight to maintain programs to provide every student with different opportunities for success.  He also cites the challenges of meeting requirements of unfunded state mandates in concert with the tax cap and continuing to upgrade facilities to make the buildings welcoming to the students and providing a sense of community pride.