Online Registration

Central Registration Office
15 Croft Road
Poughkeepsie, New York 12603
(845) 463-7800
Email: [email protected]

Welcome to the Spackenkill Union Free School District. Click here to learn more about the District and our non-resident tuition program.

In order to enroll a child as a resident in Spackenkill schools, the school district must receive verification of the child’s date and place of birth, residency status, legal custody, appropriate immunizations and academic status. If missing, forms and documentation must be provided within 3 days of request.

 Please note, student registration is not complete and your child will not be enrolled until all requirements have been met (Steps 1-4 below).

If you are unable to mail or email the forms, please contact Central Registration at 845-463-7800. You must make an appointment if you need to bring in completed forms. Please note: We cannot accommodate drop-ins.


To register your student, please follow steps 1-3.

Families without computer access, please contact the registration office at 845-463-7800.

— one form per family

Please note there are 5 sections to the online registration form (Household Information, Guardian Contacts, Emergency Contacts, Student Information, and Account Information). You will need to fill out all 5 sections before being able to submit the form.  A valid parent/guardian email address is required. Please enter all students within the same online registration form. You should only need to enter the household and guardian contact information one time.

Once you begin the online form, you will not be able to stop and continue later. It will not save and you will have to start over. Therefore, please have information on all the students you are registering readily available. They should be registered in the same sitting in the Student Information section. The form should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

  • If you already have children in Spackenkill and you have a Parent Portal account, log in to the Parent Portal, then click Register New Student.


For your convenience, the Required Forms below are fillable pdfs: Please click here for instructions for using fillable pdf forms:

Required Forms for Kindergarten Registration

Required Forms for Grades 1-12 Registration

If your home language is not English or Spanish and your child is in grades K-12 (not pre-K), please click here for a link to Home Language Questionnaires in many common languages

Additional Required Forms (if applicable):

 Application for Free & Reduced Price School Meals (only 1 application per household)*
 Request for Daycare Transportation (not for tuition students)

•  Owner's Affidavit (must be notarized)
• Renter's Affidavit (must be notarized)
• Custodial Affidavit (must be notarized)
 Parent Affidavit (must be notarized)
• Migrant Education Program Survey

*Your child may be eligible for benefits such as Medicaid or Children's Health insurance Program (CHIP). To determine if your child is eligible, program officials need information from your free and reduced price meal application.


After you submit your registration online, email your completed forms from Step 2 to  CentralRegist[email protected]

OR mail printed forms to:

Spackenkill Union Free School District
Attn: Central Registration
15 Croft Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

If you are unable to mail or email the forms, please contact Central Registration at 845-463-7800. You must make an appointment if you need to bring in completed forms. Please note: We cannot accommodate drop-ins.


Please review the information regarding the required documentation to complete your child's registration.

This information should be scanned/copied and emailed to [email protected]

OR mail copies of required documentation to:

Spackenkill Union Free School District
Attn: Central Registration
15 Croft Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

If you are unable to mail or email the documentation, please contact Central Registration at 845-463-7800.  You must make an appointment if you need to bring in completed forms.

Please note:   You may be asked to provide the original documentation.  Please keep the originals handy so that they are easy to retrieve should we ask you to bring them in.